Live Event Illustration
/ Graphic Recording
/ Visual Notetaking

Graphic Recording/Live Event Illustration/Live Scribing/Visual Notetaking is an impactful and effective way to distill information into an accessible and engaging format. During the event, the illustration is created live in real-time, capturing the conversation as it unfolds. After the event you have a summary of all the key points all wrapped up into an engaging illustration.

Benefits of Live Illustration
/ Graphic Recording
/ Visual Notetaking


Live illustrations create a visual story for attendees, and can increase retention up to 30%.


Combining visuals and text helps people to understand content, particularly for people with English as a second language.


  • "Angharad is highly skilled in being able to practice deep listening while also translate what she is hearing into imaginative drawings, in real time. Her visual illustration brings a sense of wonder and understanding to the workshop process. She is an inspiration to watch at work!"

    Carli Leimbach, Innovate Project Manager, WWF-Australia

  • "THANK YOU SO MUCH. You have literally worked miracles - and got it so much further than we ever could. "

    Katie Lucas, The Lab Insight and Strategy

  • "This is fabulous, thanks so much! Seamless process and we love the result!"

    PYN, Employee Journey Designer

  • "Thanks again for coming along and illustrating the day. It was so wonderful to watch your images come to life on the screen."

    Bec Kavanagh, The Wheeler Centre

Get in contact

Interested in getting a quote for live drawing at your next event?
I’d love to hear from you.